Friday, April 12, 2024

GISS March global temperature down by 0.05°C from February.

The GISS V4 land/ocean temperature anomaly was 1.39°C in March, down from 1.44°C in February. This fall is smaller than the 0.11°C fall reported for TempLS.

As with TempLS, March was the warmest March in the record - next was 1.35°C in 2016. It was the fourth warmest month of all kinds.

As usual here, I will compare the GISS and earlier TempLS plots below the jump.

Monday, April 8, 2024

March global surface TempLS down 0.11°C from February, but still warmest March in record.

The TempLS FEM anomaly (1961-90 base) was 1.174°C in March, down from 1.284°C in February. It was still the warmest March in the record, just ahead of 1.138°C in 2016. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis base index fell by 0.097°C.

Here is the corresponding stacked graph, showing how much hotter recent months have been, as well as the now completed year of 2023:

Here is the temperature map, using the FEM-based map of anomalies. Use the arrows to see different 2D projections.

As always, the 3D globe map gives better detail. There are more graphs and a station map in the ongoing report which is updated daily.