GISS was late this month. NOAA is also out - numbers here. GISS is down from 0.93°C in May to 0.79°C in June. This is more than the fall of 0.06° in TempLS, and a little more than the posted, 0.1°C fall in the NCEP/NCAR index. As Sou has noted, it is still (just) the hottest June in the GISS record.
NOAA however rose slightly, from 0.877°C to 0.899°C. TempLS grid also rose, from 0.704°C to 0.75. This is a pattern often observed in the past, where GISS follows TempLS mesh, and TempLS grid tracks NOAA. It is expected from the different ways they are constructed.
I'll show the map comparisons below the fold. The updated comparison plots with 1998 are here
Skeptical Science New Research for Week #41 2024
15 minutes ago