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  1. Recently I reread a paper by Santer, Bonfils & al. in the free version published by MIT

    and subsequently also that of Foster & Rahmstorf;

    It was again an amazing lecture.

    I still fully understand the will of the authors
    - to show us the warming residual after extraction of ENSO and volcanoes (FR2011) in order to demonstrate how a pure AGW might behave;
    - to search for an explanation for why various climate models produced too much warming after Pinatubo (SB2014).

    Bit this time I missed something. Namely the inverse operation: to first extract not ENSO, but the volcanoes.

    For two reasons:
    - volcanoes are a clearly exogenous factor, but ENSO is for me intuitively an integral part of our climate machine;
    - it would be quite interesting to see how the sea/land surface and troposphere temperatures would have shown if none of the eruptions beginning with e.g. St Helens and El Chichon had taken place until now (even not those 17 mentioned in SB2014 due to their real SAOD influence).

    Thus my question to the moyhu club: did anybody undertake somewhat in that direction?

    E.g. by adapting F&R's R software (accessible to everybody) such that the extraction sequence would become interverted. I guess I never could do that.

  2. Excellent idea to index. Surfed over to the Navier-Stokes posting and was amused by how Lucia acted like she knew what she was talking about. This is actually a good jumping off point:

    BTW, a while back I set up a semantic web server to supplement my blog. A semantic web server is much more amenable to indexing as it is based on an ontology. Formally worked with some of the people from NASA JPL to architect the site.

    1. Thanks, Whut
      As you'll see, a good idea needs regular updating, and so does this page. However ...

      I'll look up your semantic web server. It should be helpful.
