Links to more, useful pages, plus blog glossary

There are several useful pages not listed on the front page. There are also past posts that have Javascript gadgets of ongoing utility. This page has tables of links to them.

More pages

A climate blog index I once collected RSS information on posts and comments on climate blogs, to order them invarious ways. The information is not being updated.
Ocean acidification equilibrium calculator Allows you to visualize the effects on chemical equilibrium of changing various constituents in ocean acid-base equilibria (including CO2. Links results to a Bjerrum plot.
Generic WebGL grid plotting Lets you submit lat/lon grid information, and produces an interactive trackball globe shaded map of that information.

Other past posts with useful gadgets

BoM Metadata assistantLets you find metadata for BoM stations
Google Maps display of GHCN adjustmentsShow station adjustments in GHCN, with selection and color options

Gadget for Unicode

Lets you look up and write formulae in Unicode, which will work for blog comments.

Blog Glossary

This table gives pointers to help with some of the abbreviations that might otherwise be unfamiliar. Links to data and information are here, and data used on Moyhu is linked here, also with some glossary.

ACORNAustralian Climate Observations Reference Network. A carefully homogenised Australian national dataset from long term stations.
BESTBerkeley Earth Surface Temperature. Refers to global indices and also station data
BoMAustralia's Bureau of Meteorology. The national weather service and data source. Some assistance with entry here.
CRU, CRUTEMClimatic Research Unit, part of Univ of East Anglia. Known for temperature data (Phil Jones) and products CRUTEM, HADCRUT (collaborating with Hadley centre). Also for proxy paleo cliimate.
DALRDry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
DE, deDifferential Equation see also PDE, ODE
DWLWIRDownwelling Long WAve Infrared, also called back radiation.
ERSST V5Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) A major SST data set maintained by NOAA (used by TempLS and other indices)
FFTFast Fourier Transform
GCMGlobal Climare Model, or originally, General Circulation model. Much discussed. AOGCM means atmosphere/Ocean ... AGCM is just atmosphere with modelling of sea boundary.
GHCNGlobal Historical Climate Network. A collection of station data, maintained by NOAA. There is GHCN V3 monthly, which has unadjusted and homogenised versions (7280 stations), and GHCN daily, which has many more stations, with daily records for temperature, rain etc. There is also GHCN V4, which also has many more stations. V3 is still used for its quality and punctuality.
GISS, GistempGoddard Institute for Space Studies. Part of NASA concerned with climate. Gistemp is their surface temperature product. Notable people are James Hansen and Gavin Schmidt.
HadleyHadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research. Part of UKMO, known for temperature data sets HADCRUT and HADSST. Work with CRU
JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Here is usually means their sea ice data set, which I table and plot daily here.
LIALittle Ice Age
MWPMedieval Warm Period
Met Officesee UKMO
NCEP/NCARReanalysis data from NCEP and NCAR. It comes out daily and I post the integrated result, and monthly summaries.
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The huge US federal agency, which has a vast collection of data (not perfectly organised). NOAA can also refer to their land/ocean surface temperature index. NCEI is a section of NOAA that has a lot of data.
NSIDCNational Snow and Ice Data Center. Here is usually means their sea ice data set, which I table and plot daily here.
ODEOrdinary differential equation in one variable. See PDE
PCA Principal component analysis. Used especially in proxy analyses for paleo.
PDEPartial differential equation
RSSRemote Sensing Systems. Usually refers to their range of satellite troposphere temperature measures (see also UAH). Carl Mears is a scientist there.
SSTSea surface temperature
TOATop of Atmosphere
TempLSMoyhu's global surface temperature index Data constantly updated here. It is the first index to report each month. There are several variants, but the mesh version is the one usually reported.
UAHUniversity of Alabama at Huntsville. Usually refers to UAH V6, a satellite dataset for tropospheric temperature (see also RSS). V5 is also current. Identified with Drs Christy and Spencer, UAH.
UKMOThe UK Met Office. National weather forecaster and source of data, including Hadley centre and its products. Can also mean their GCM
USCRN, CRNUS Climate Reference Network. A newish reference of designed met sites in the US
USHCNUnited States Historical Climatology NetworkA temperature data set for continental US, which also forms part of GHCN. Now obsolete as a national index, replaced by nClimDiv
nClimDivnClimDiv Maximum and Minimum Temperature Data. NOAA dataset for US national index, replacing USHCN.


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