As earlier, we have a control word (job), and the fourth character could be either O,o,P or p. Lower case means skip the stage, so the first line tests this. The rest of the control tells which stored (x,w,iv) to load. Then to make linear ops work, the NA's are removed from x - they can have any value since w=0 there. x and w are re-dimensioned.
if(do[4]){ load(R[3]) # x are anomalies, w weights x[]=0 d=c(nrow(x),12,ncol(x)%/%12) # stations, months,years dim(w)=dim(x)=d
The iteration proceeds by alternately calculating L, the offsets for each station as the weighted average of temperatures minus G, the global anomaly, and then G as the average anomaly relative to those offsets. These are the calculations that matter; for the rest, changes in G are tested for convergence. Typically each iterations takes a second or two, and six or so may be needed. Note that a tiny number is added to the weight denominators wr and wc for the rare cases where these are zero, leading to a 0/0, which should resolve to 0.
L=G=v=0; wr=rowSums(w,dims=2)+1e-20; wc=colSums(w)+1e-20; # right hand side for(i in 1:20){ # gauss-seidel iterations g=G L=rowSums(w*(x-rep(G,each=d[1])),dims=2)/wr # Solve for L G=colSums(w*(x-rep(L,d[3])))/wc # then G if(mean(abs(G-g))<0.0001)break } if(i>19) stop("Not Converged") 0.0001)break>
For the rest, there is just post-processing, which you can adapt to your requirements. In the main stream, I just print and store results. The first statement is important, though. There are 12 loose degrees of freedom to add numbers to G by month, and subtract same from L. The calculation gets reasonable results here, but with small arbitrary shifts from month to month. The subtraction fixes these to be right for some fixed time period - typically a 3 decade stretch like 1961-90 here.
For the rest, it's saving output. I have the graphics code (used if the control (job) was "P") on a separate file which I won't plod through here.
# post processing G=round(G-rowMeans(G[,62:91]),3) # Set to basis 1961:90 ow=c(colSums(w,dims=1)>0) # !ow means no data that month G[!ow]=NA # usually months without data in last year. save(G,L,r,w,iv,file=R[4]) ym=round(outer(0:11/12,yrs,"+"),2)[ow] # months in year units write(paste(ym,G[ow]),file="templs.txt") if(kind[4]=="p")source("LSpic.r") # graphics }
So finally, here is the complete code
# Function TempLS3.r. Written in four stages, it collects data, makes weights #and solves for global temperature anomaly. #Written by Nick Stokes, June 24 2015. #See isin=function(v,lim){v>=lim[1] & v<=lim[2]} mth=function(yr){round(seq(yr[1]+0.04,yr[2]+1,by=1/12),3)} sp=function(s)(unlist(strsplit(s,""))) pc=function(...,s=""){paste(...,sep=s,collapse=s)} if(!exists("job"))job="UEGO" i=sp(job) kind=tolower(i) do=i!=kind yr=c(1900,2015); yrs=yr[1]:yr[2]; # you can change these ny=diff(yr)+1 j=c(1,1,2,2,1,3,1,4); R=1:4; #R will be the names of storage files for(i in 1:4){ # make .sav file names R[i]=pc(c(kind[j[i*2-1]:j[i*2]],".sav")) if(!file.exists(R[i]))do[i]=TRUE; # if filename will be needed, calc } if(do[1]){ # Stage 1 - read land (GHCN) getghcn=function(){ # download and untar GHCN fi="ghcnm.tavg.latest.qcu.tar.gz" fi=sub("u",ki,fi) # switch to adjusted download.file(pc("",fi),fi); gunzip(fi,"ghcnv3.tar",overwrite=T); untar("ghcnv3.tar",exdir="."); di=dir(".",recursive=T) h=grep(pc("qc",ki),di,val=T) # find the qcu files un subdir h=grep("v3",h,val=T) # find the qcu files un subdir file.rename(h,Rr) unlink("ghcnm.*") } readqc=function(f){ # read the data file b=readLines(f) d=matrix(NA,14,length(b)); d[1,]=as.numeric(substr(b,1,11)); d[2,]=as.numeric(substr(b,12,15)); # year iu=0:13*8+4 for(i in 3:14){ di=as.numeric(substr(b,iu[i],iu[i]+4)); # monthly aves ds=substr(b,iu[i]+6,iu[i]+6); # quality flags di[ds!=" " | di== -9999]=NA # remove flagged data d[i,]=di/100 # convert to C } d } require("R.utils") # for gunzip ki=kind[1] Rr=paste("ghcn",ki,c(".dat",".inv"),sep="") getghcn() d=readqc(Rr[1]) b=readLines(Rr[2]) ns=length(b) wd=c(1,11,12,20,21,30,1,3,31,37,88,88,107,107) iv=data.frame(matrix(NA,ns,6)) for(i in 1:7){ k=substr(b,wd[i*2-1],wd[i*2]); if(i<6)k=as.numeric(k) if(i==1)K=k else iv[,i-1]=k; } colnames(iv)=c("lat","lon","country","alt","airprt","urban") d=d[,isin(d[2,],yr)] # restrict to years in yr ib=match(d[1,],K)-1 # convert station numbers to place in order (1:7280 x=matrix(NA,12,ny*ns) ic=ib*ny+d[2,]-yr[1]+1 # locations for each row of data x[,ic]=d[3:14,] # fill x dim(x)=c(12*ny,ns); x=t(x) # rearrange save(x,iv,file=R[1]) } if(do[2]){ # Stage 2 - read SST # ERSST has lon 0:358:2, lat -88:88:2 ki=kind[2]; s=c("ersst4","ersst.%s.%s.asc","") iy=1; if(ki=="d"){s=sub("4","3b",s);s[1]="../../data/ersst";iy=10;yrs=seq(yr[1],yr[2],10);} if(!file.exists(s[1]))dir.create(s[1]) x=NULL; n0=180*89; for(ii in yrs){ # read and arrange the data f=sprintf(s[2],ii,ii+9) if(ki=="e")f=sprintf(s[2],"v4",ii) g=file.path(s[1],f) if(!file.exists(g))download.file(file.path(s[3],f),g); v=matrix(scan(g),nrow=n0); v=v[,(mth(c(ii,ii+iy-1)) %in% mth(yr))[1:ncol(v)]]/100 # Select years and convert to C n=length(v); o=v== -99.99 | v< -1 # eliminate ice -1 v[o]=NA n=n/n0 dim(v)=c(89,180,n) # reduce the grid i1=1:45*2-1;i2=1:90*2 # Take every second one v=v[i1,i2,] # normalise the result; w is the set of wts that were added x=c(x,v) print(c(ii,length(x)/90/45)) } str(x) iv=cbind(rep(i1*2-90,90),rep((i2*2+178)%%360-180,each=45)) # Make lat/lon -88:88,2:358 m=length(x)/90/45 dim(x)=c(90*45,m) rs=rowSums(! o=rs>12 # to select only locations with more than 12 mths data in total iv=iv[o,] # make the lat/lon x=x[o,] #discard land and unmeasured sea str(x) ns=sum(o) # number stations in this month rem=ncol(x)%%12 if(rem>0)x=cbind(x,matrix(NA,ns,12-rem)) # pad to full year str(x) dim(x)=c(ns,12*((m-1)%/%12+1)) save(x,iv,file=R[2]) } if(do[3]){ #stage 3 - wts from supplied x load(R[2]) # ERSST x,iv x0=x;i0=cbind(iv,NA,NA,NA,NA); rad=pi/180; load(R[1]) # GHCN x,iv colnames(i0)=colnames(iv) x=rbind(x,x0);iv=rbind(iv,i0) # combine if(kind[3]=="g"){ #Grid dl=180/36 # 36*72 grid for wts jv=as.matrix(iv[,1:2])%/%dl # latlon integer number for each cell y=cos((jv[,1]+.5)*dl*rad) #trig weighting for area each cell kv=drop(jv%*%c(72,1)+1297) # Give each cell a unique number w=array(0,dim(x)) for(i in 1:ncol(x)){ # over months j=which(![,i])) # stations with data s=1/table(kv[j]) # stats in each cell u=as.numeric(names(s)) #cell numbers k1=match(kv[j],u) # which cell numbers belong to each stat w[j,i]=y[j]*s[k1] } }else{ # Mesh require("geometry") require("alphahull") a=pc("w_",R[3]) if(file.exists(a)){load(a)}else{w=array(0,dim(x))} # old mesh a=cos(cbind(iv[,1:2],90-iv[,1:2])*rad) z=cbind(a[,1]*a[,c(2,4)],a[,3]) # to 3D coords if(!exists("w_yr"))w_yr=yr w=w[,mth(w_yr)%in%mth(yr)] if(sum(dim(w)==dim(x))<2){w=array(0,dim(x)); print("Meshing");} print(Sys.time()) for(ii in 1:ncol(x)){ o=![,ii]) # stats with data no=sum(o); if(no<9)next; # skip months at the end if(sum(xor(o,(w[,ii]>0)))==0)next; # w slots match x, so use old mesh y=z[o,] m=convhulln(y) # convex hull (tri mesh) A=0 B=cbind(y[m[,1],],y[m[,2],],y[m[,3],]) for(j in 0:2){ # determinants for areas k=(c(0:2,0,2,1)+j)%%3+c(1,4,7) A=A+B[,k[1]]*B[,k[2]]*B[,k[3]]-B[,k[4]]*B[,k[5]]*B[,k[6]] } A=abs(A) # triangles from convhulln have varied orientation n=cbind(c(m),rep(A,3)) # long list with areas matched to nodes k=which(o) w[!o,ii]=0 w[o,ii]=1e-9 # to mark stations that missed wt but have x entries for(jj in 1:99){ # Adding areas for nodes i=match(1:sum(o),n[,1]) # find first matches in mesh q=which(! w[k[q],ii]=w[k[q],ii]+n[i[q],2] # add in area n=rbind(n[-i[q],]) # take out matches if(length(n)<1)break; } print(c(ii,nrow(m),sum(w[,ii])/pi/24)) } # end mesh months loop print(Sys.time()) f=paste("w_",R[3],sep="") # for saving the wts if wanted w_yr=yr # save yrs to match when recalled if(!file.exists(f))save(w_yr,w,file=f) }# end mesh/grid save(x,w,iv,file=R[3]) }# end step 3 if(do[4]){ load(R[3]) # x are anomalies, w weights x[]=0 d=c(nrow(x),12,ncol(x)%/%12) # stations, months,years dim(w)=dim(x)=d L=G=v=0; wr=rowSums(w,dims=2)+1e-20; wc=colSums(w)+1e-20; # right hand side for(i in 1:20){ # gauss-seidel iterations g=G L=rowSums(w*(x-rep(G,each=d[1])),dims=2)/wr # Solve for L G=colSums(w*(x-rep(L,d[3])))/wc # then G if(mean(abs(G-g))<0.0001)break } if(i>19) stop("Not Converged") # post processing G=round(G-rowMeans(G[,62:91]),3) # Set to basis 1961:90 ow=c(colSums(w,dims=1)>0) G[!ow]=NA save(G,L,r,w,iv,file=R[4]) ym=round(outer(0:11/12,yrs,"+"),2) write(paste(ym[ow],G[ow]),file="templs.txt") if(kind[4]=="p")source("LSpic.r") } =lim[2]}>6)k=as.numeric(k)>>2){w=array(0,dim(x));>9)next;>1)break;>0.0001)break>
That is an extremely elegant piece of work. I'm a big fan of short and simple code.
ReplyDeleteI think the next interesting target for DIY climate science might be temperature adjustments. It's doable, so far it looks a bit harder than the temperature record.
Kevin C
Thanks, Kevin. I think full homogenisation would be a daunting challenge.
DeleteI thought so, but my preliminary work suggests otherwise - I've analysed about 7000 changes for non-TOBS stations. If you know where the changes are (e.g. by taking them from GHCN), they're really easy to quantify. Locating the changes is harder. On the plus side, the trend in the adjustments is solely down to the larger adjustments, which are the easiest to find.
DeleteWhat I've done so far is 5-10 hours work and 200 lines of (python) code. My current guess is that a fully working solution is ~30-50 hours and 500 lines of code. But it's at number 3 on my to-do list at the moment, so I may not finish it this year.
Kevin C
Actually 200 lines of code might be achievable. K
DeleteI agree with Kevin. Nice work and a very good write up. But can you make LSpic.r available, for completeness?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Carrick. LSpic.r changes according to what I want to plot. My current version is here. It does the usual spherical harmonics plot and the plot of stations, that I show in the update report.