Regional Hi-Res SST movies

This is an update of an earlier page on SST movies. The source data is described here. It is HiRes AVHRR daily temperature anomaly OI SST data from NOAA, supplied on a 1/4 degree lat/lon grid. The above page transferred this data from a sphere, and these movies are projections from that sphere for selected areas. There are 5 regions
  • E for tropical Pacific, intended to show ENSO effects
  • A for Arctic
  • E for Antarctic
  • N for Notrh Atlantic
  • P for North Pacific

The previous interface is simplified. Just press a radio button, and start the movie with the controls at the bottom. The first set of 5 are for the last 50 days, daily; the second for the last year. Finally for E and A there are videos at 4 day intervals starting in early 2015. The videos will be updated regularly. The pole regions show sea ice as anomaly 0, since they are assigned a fixed temperature of -1.8°C.

There is a sliding scaler for choosing frame speed, on a log scale from 1 to 25 frames/sec. Centre value is 5.

Movie regions
E is East Pacific (ENSO)
A is Arctic
S is Antarctic
N is North Atlantic
P is North Pacific

Last 50 days


Last 365 days


Every 4 days since 2015


Playback rate
Log scale from 1 to 25 f/s


  1. Nick, you have really done an amazing job with your site -- lots of cool stuff.

  2. Nick, you have really done an amazing job with your site -- lots of cool stuff.
