Saturday, July 16, 2022

GISS June global temperature up by 0.08°C from May.

The GISS V4 land/ocean temperature anomaly was 0.91°C in June 2022, up from 0.83°C in May. This rise is a little less than than the 0.112°C rise reported by TempLS.

As usual here, I will compare the GISS and earlier TempLS plots below the jump.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

June global surface TempLS up 0.112°C from May.

The TempLS FEM anomaly (1961-90 base) was 0.787°C in June, up from 0.675°C in May. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis base index rose by 0.016°C.

The main feature is the lack of cold places. Coolest was a band from Argentina through to the ENSO region. Warmest was W Europe, with a mid-latitude band of warmth through to China. Antarctica was warm.

Here is the temperature map, using now the FEM-based map of anomalies. 

As always, the 3D globe map gives better detail. There are more graphs and a station map in the ongoing report which is updated daily.