The GISS land/ocean temperature anomaly rose 0.29°C last month. The October anomaly average was 0.99°C, up from September 0.74°C. A big rise, exceeding the TempLS rise of 0.166°C. Like TempLS it was the second warmest October in the record, but it was even fairly close to the highest, the the El Nino value 0f 1.08 in 2015. Jim Hansen's report is here.
The overall pattern was similar to that in TempLS. Very warm in Siberia, but extending through the Arctic (which is probably why warmer than TempLS). Cold in Canada and US prairies. Quite warm in Europe, patchy in Antarctica.
As usual here, I will compare the GISS and previous TempLS plots below the jump.
Conjectures and Refutations, part two
4 minutes ago