GISS rose 0.1°C. March anomaly average was 0.89°C, up from February 0.79°C January (GISS report here). That is a greater rise than TempLS mesh, which rose by 0.04°C, as did the NCEP/NCAR index. But GISS did not rise the previous month, so the change over two months is about the same. Mar 2018 is about the same as Mar 2015, but below 2016 and 2017.
The overall pattern was similar to that in TempLS. A cold band across N Eurasia, and a warm band below across mid-latitudes. Warm in N Canada and Alaska, but cool around the Great Lakes. As with last month, both show an interesting pattern of mostly warm patches in the roaring Forties.
As usual here, I will compare the GISS and previous TempLS plots below the jump.
Raindrops on roses and refactoring functions
34 minutes ago