Monday, April 12, 2010

Latitudinal temperature histories and trends

A joint post with Steve Hempell

Steve Hempell has been using v1.2.1 of the code to analyse temperature history in sub-regions of Canada, and in global latitude bands. Here are his results for the latitude behaviour in 20 deg bands. Steve (his blog handle here) has also made a finer resolution, which we will present in a future post.

The results confirm the high recent uptrend in the Arctic, with relatively small trends in the SH. Remember, though that these are land stations only, and do not give a good picture of the whole SH.

Table of trends

Trend Tropics NExTropicsNMidLat NHighLatSExTropics SMidLat SHighLat
C/Decade20N to 20S40N to 20N60N to 40 NAbove 60N20S to 40S40S to 60SBelow 60S
1900 - 20090.0578 0.0667 0.105 0.1015 0.0511 0.0409 0.190
1978 - 20090.174 0.323 0.353 0.495 0.11 0.00463 0.1299


Tropics 1900-2009

Tropics 1978-2009

NExTropics 1900-2009

NExTropics 1978-2009

NMidLat 1900-2009

NMidLat 1978-2009

NHighLat 1900-2009

NHighLat 1978-2009

SExTropics 1900-2009

SExTropics 1978-2009

SMidLat 1900-2009

SMidLat 1978-2009

SHighLat 1900-2009

SHighLat 1978-2009


  1. Cool

    Are you going to post US results

  2. Steve, there are US results at the previous post (first set).

  3. It might be useful to make a graph in this form:

  4. Zeke,
    Yes, I'll do something like that next post. Currently I haven't routinely printed trend se - I've been citing trends as a measure of agreement with other calcs, not for their absolute value. The next version will do it.
