A gallery of Javascript-enhanced graphics

On this page, I show a tableau of active graphics produced on Moyhu. The images are inactive, but the Try it! button leads to an active version corresponding to the image, and the title link leads to the original post or page. They are basically the same, but the "Try it! version has the key graphic placed at the top.

They are listed mainly by the capability used, as given by the radio buttons on the left, which you can click to select that category. I have tried to include every usage, so there is repetition. I have gathered what I think is a representative set of interest at the top of each selection; they have red borders.

Below the tableau here I have a description of the capabilities. I will write a blog post with a more expansive history.

All types
HTML 5 canvas
Active viewer
Active trend
Google Maps
JS Globe

2017/09 webgl 19
The best grid for Earth temperature calculation.

2017/06 webgl 39
Cubing the sphere

2017/05 webgl 51
Land masks, mesh and global temperature

2017/04 webgl 57
Spherical Harmonics - the movie

2017/04 webgl 58
A Magical Easter Egg

2016/11 webgl 106
Lorenz attractors, fluids, chaos and climate.

2015/12 animation 179
Merry Christmas - and a new kind of movie

2015/04 trend 269
Dynamic trend viewer

2015/02 Maps 288
Google Maps App showing GHCN adjustments.

2014/12 drag 303
Maintained monthly active temperature plotter

2014/09 webgl 332
Mesh peel

2014/07 active 356
USHCN adjustments plotted for USA and States

2014/07 viewer 357
Polar plots NSIDC Sea Ice data

2014/03 html5 387
Paleo plotting - new draft climate plotter

2014/01 active 396
Heat Wave in Victoria

2014/01 webgl 401
Just 60 global stations - area weighting shown with GL graphics.

2013/11 active 405
Seasonal trends for infilled HADCRUT

2013/03 viewer 455
An active viewer for Marcott et al proxies

2013/02 animation 460
Hurricanes and SST - movies

2012/08 html5 505
July TempLS Global Temp down slightly (0.03°C) from June

2012/05 globe 520
April 2012 temperatures up 0.2°C

2012/02 html5 534
Hansen's 1988 predictions - a JS explorer.

2011/11 trend 556
A picture of statistically significant warming.

2011/10 active 564
World coverage by decade of BEST, GHCN, GSOD and CRUTEM3

2011/07 active 597
More proxy plots with Javascript

page webgl 708
WebGL map of past GHCN/SST station temperatures

page webgl 712
World map of station temperature trends

page trend 714
Temperature trend viewer

page animation 718
Regional Hi-Res SST movies

page Maps 719
Google Maps and GHCN

page webgl 720
HiRes NOAA OI SST with WebGL and Movie

page active 722
Climate Plotter V2

2017/08 webgl 25
Surface temperature sparsity error modes

2017/05 webgl 44
Page on monthly anomalies in WebGL

2017/05 webgl 46
WebGL map of local station trends - various periods.

2017/05 webgl 52
ERSST and Sea Ice

2017/04 webgl 56
Land Masks and ERSST

2017/04 webgl 61
Icosahedral Earth

2017/04 webgl 63
Global 60 Stations and coverage uncertainty

2017/03 webgl 65
Moyhu WebGL interactive graphics facility, documented.

2017/03 webgl 68
Global average, integration and webgl.

2017/03 webgl 69
Temperature residuals and coverage uncertainty.

2017/03 webgl 71
Making an even SST mesh on the globe.

2017/03 webgl 72
Residuals of monthly global temperatures.

2017/03 webgl 76
Playing with palettes in WebGL earth plotting.

2017/01 active 92
UAH - first index with record warm 2016

2016/12 active 95
GISS rose 0.07°C in November.

2016/10 webgl 110
Climate and the Lorenz attractor, 3D interactive model.

2016/09 active 115
Twelve coin problem

2016/09 active 120
Unicode gadget

2016/08 active 126
Progress toward a record hot 2016

2016/05 active 140
BoM metadata assistant

2016/05 active 142
Review of recent global temp with ENSO cpmparison

2016/02 active 165
Prospects for 2016

2015/11 drag 195
Weekly SST indices

2015/10 dud 204
Analysis of the October spike in NCEP/NCAR

2015/08 active 225
USHCN again - adjustments breakdown

2015/05 dud 258
Station temperature trends - new page

2015/05 Maps 260
New Page - Google Maps and GHCN

2015/04 dud 264
Movies for global CO2 and CH4

2015/02 Maps 280
Google Maps and GHCN adjustments

2015/02 drag 284
Breakdown of effects of GHCN adjustments.

2015/02 Maps 287
Homogenisation makes little difference to global average

2015/01 active 292
Historic progress of temperature records

2015/01 active 297
Prospects for surface temperatures 2014 final

2014/12 active 299
December update on 2014 warmth.

2014/11 webgl 305
Daily reanalysis NCEP/NCAR temperatures with WebGL.

2014/11 active 307
Update on 2014 warmth.

2014/11 drag 308
A 'new' surface temperature index (reanalysis).

2014/10 active 316
Checking ENSO forecasts

2014/10 viewer 317
More 'pause' trend datasets.

2014/10 active 318
Tails of the Pause.

2014/10 active 319
Record warmth in 2014?

2014/10 active 326
Rising Trends

2014/09 webgl 334
Trend Map to show why Cowtan&Way is needed.

2014/09 active 337
Fragility of the 'pause'

2014/09 active 338
SST alarmism - seas are warm

2014/08 active 342
Amberley, BoM and WUWT

2014/07 active 348
Portal for Australian BoM AWS stations

2014/07 webgl 350
Trends of gridded BEST and GISS shown with WebGL

2014/06 Maps 367
Google Maps portal to NOAA station histories.

2014/06 active 369
NOAA GHCN station portal

2014/04 dud 385
Active viewer for Neukom et al proxies

2014/04 webgl 386
WebGL code: shaded grids and maps

2014/03 drag 388
Adjustable plotting for multiscale global temperatures

2014/01 webgl 398
Generic code for WebGL Earth data plotting

2013/11 active 404
Pausebusting NOAA

2013/09 active 419
More on global temperature spectra and trends.

2013/09 active 420
Uncertainty of temperature trends.

2013/04 viewer 443
Active viewer for the Pages2K proxies

2013/01 dud 471
GHCN Stations color map, all years and months, with WebGL

2012/12 active 481
Monthly station surface temperature shown on globe

2012/10 Maps 487
New ISTI Temperature database - stations in Google Maps with GHCN

2012/07 active 508
June TempLS down slightly from May

2012/04 active 523
Interactive JS plotter Ver 2

2012/03 active 529
Interactive JS climate plotter (update)

2012/02 trend 535
Combined GMST trend viewer.

2012/02 html5 540
Visualizing 2011 temperature anomalies

2011/12 trend 548
Significant trends in Foster/Rahmstorf

2011/12 trend 549
Significant trend differences

2011/12 html5 551
Nov temps displayed with HTML 5

2011/12 Maps 553
Google Maps display of GHCN stations, with Javascript

2011/11 trend 555
Observed SST and model trends

2011/11 trend 558
A JS gadget for viewing temperature trends.

2011/11 trend 559
GMST trends - a cherrypicker's guide.

2011/10 globe 569
September GMST - TempLS down from 0.444 to 0.42

2011/08 active 579
JAXA Ice extent and JS

2011/08 globe 580
A Javascript worldview for surface temp.

page active 716
Climate data portals

  • All types is a combined list of all active graphics
  • WebGL is the most advanced capability. Descriptions by Wiki and Moyhu. Much of Moyhu graphics is oriented toward mapping data on a sphere which can be interactively examined by users. WebGL allows a trackball style of doing that, as with Google Earth. A Moyhu application will usually have an array of buttons for selecting data, or possibly drop-down menus or other devices for accessing a larger online database. Clicking on the sphere will usually bring up information about the nearest node. There is usually an underlying mesh, either regular or irregular triangles with stations as nodes. A few applications are not spheres.
  • Active This is where Moyhu interactive graphics started, using Javascript to allow user choice and intervention. A basic application is flipping through an array of stored images, possibly fast enough to give an animation effect. The images may superimpose, as where selected curves in a spaghetti plot can be highlighted. It also includes the use of XMLHTTPrequest to bring in more data on request. The climate plotter is one advanced usage. Others are specially classified as viewer or trend.
  • HTML 5 canvas These are active plots that make use of the HTML5 canvas facility for drawing graphs and other graphics on screen under user control. User controls usually are selection buttons and dragging capabilities. But it also includes shaded plots (now generally done with WebGL) and even spheres that can be set to arbitrary positions by clicking on a control map (not trackball).
  • Animation I have reserved this mostly for animation with graphics compression, usually made with ffmpeg from jpeg or png images generated with an R program.
  • Active viewer This is a subset of Active in which a large array of series (usually proxy plots) are graphed in an indecipherable spaghetti plot. There is a button or selection device for each series, which shows up the corresponding curve in black. When selected there is a table of information shown, and also possibly the location on a map.
  • Active trend This is a particular class of active plots incorporating a triangle showing all possible trends of a time series, linked to a graph with a marker for beginning and end of the trend period. For any trend selected, there is a table of data (CI's etc). Usually there is a table of buttons for selecting a temperature dataset, with a general range and possibly showing information about statistical significance of trend etc.
  • Drag This is a subset of Active where the user typically drags curves around on a graph(with axes responding).
  • Google Maps These are active plots that use a Google Maps API. Typically there are markers for temperature stations which can be selected in various ways, with different colors representing selection classes. Clicking on markers will bring up a balloon with identifying information. The usual Google Maps facilities of dragging and zooming work.
  • JS Globe I have gathered here some early efforts at showing plots on a globe, using just active Javascript. Typically there are 6 or 8 images from regularly placed view angles (vertices or face centres of a cube), and a device for the user to select.