The Pause has been in the news again. There is a new paper in Nature Climate Change (pdf here) by Fyfe et al, with numerous notable authors, saying that there really was a slowdown, but not a stop, in global warming. This is partly in response to a paper last year from Karl et al, basically saying it was an artefact of ship/buoy bias, and disappeared after appropriate adjustment. There is an extensive summary in Scientific American here, and good coverage by Sou here. Also Tamino
I'm with Gavin, as quoted in SciAm. I think it's a pointless argument. Yes, warming was a bit slower for a few years. Unless someone can show some statistical significance of something, I don't see why it should even have a name.
However, that seems to be a minority view. I write a lot about temperature anomaly series and their trends, and I argue a lot about Pause matters, so I should say something. What I want to do is to show how the Trend Viewer can be used to show how pauses originate, and to give an idea how unusual is the one under discussion.
Fact brief - Are we heading into an 'ice age'?
2 hours ago