yellow for urban (C)
green for rural (A)
reddish orange for small town (B)
[Update - I've also varied the pushpin size according to total numbers of years in station record. Scale 1 if >50 yrs, 0.7 for 20-50 and 0.4 if <20 yrs.]
So you can see how well the rurals are spread, and, if you like, zoom in to see whether you think the classification is right.
I've also added another file, GHCN2009.kml, which has only GHCN stations that have reported since end 2008 (same pushpin colors). One GE catch in reading multiple files - the pushpins aren't cleared when you read in a new file. Below the jump - what a local view (GSOD) looks like:

I'm looking forward to layering the raster maps for temp or anomalies over google earth.
ReplyDeleteRon, have you tried filled.contour()? Your raster output would work as input. The main downside is that the routine fills the whole grid, which could give inappropriate stuff over oceans, but there's probably some way of blocking that out.